Friday, January 4, 2013

I'm GREEN y'all!

Ha Ha!  I thought for my very first post this color would be sooo appropriate.  I am green beyond belief and I have no clue what I'm doing or what the heck I'm going to "blog" about.  The word "blog" is so intimidating to me but I'm turning over this whole "I want to do new things" leaf.  Cliche?  Oh yes! 

Is there some sort of rule for how a person's very first blog post should go?  Probably not, but I want to say out right that I mis spell...A LOT and grammar's not really my thing.  However, I LOVE to write.  When I was little that was my go to "What do you want to be when you grow up?" response...a writer.  My mom has like 25,672 books and bought us tons of books as kids so it was only natural that being a writer was my grown up occupation. 


I NEED to credit Kelle Hampton with this new found urge to blog.  If you're a mom and you haven't discovered this woman's amazing spirit you should check out her site.  The name of her blog is "Enjoying the small things" (  She also has a book out..."Bloom"...I haven't had a chance to get it yet, but it's on my list.

As I create this space of mine you'll read about my family.  I have a son who's turning 4 in like 2 weeks...that seriously makes me sad and happy all at once.  His name is Brenton.  My husband, Jason is my rock and no joking, my better half.  They make me happy.  Simple as that.

Also, I just want to say that I'm scared to death to publish this.  I'll be honest and say that I feel stupid.  I feel embarassed. I feel like there's nothing special I have to say and why would anyone want to read this.  But, all of those feelings are a big part of why I'm doing this.  I'm sure my story is no different than any other mother living in the boonies, ha.  Hopefully some of you can relate to my life.  I feel like I'm normal enough.  I'm not perfect...good lord am I far from perfect.  I'm not the worst of the worst either.  I'm just me.  If this just turns out to be my outlet that NO ONE reads then so be it, lol.  When I'm 85, I can say that I once "blogged".

Last thing...I'll be posting pics and such soon.

Updat:  Duh, my name is Jessica Hicks...hence "HicksVille".  Well that and the fact that I'm country, lol.

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